(713) 627-1700 x 102

Jake Kleineke

Vice President

Jake Kleineke was born and raised in the Ohio Valley industrial area and began his career in 1991 as part of a team who installed the very first ethanol and gasoline blending systems for tanker truck loading in the US. He has been involved in the ever-changing hydrocarbon storage, blending and metering industry for 24 years; retrofitting loading facilities from straight product loading to blending capabilities of diesel and bio-diesel, gas and ethanol, directly into tanker trucks as they load products and reduce emissions. Throughout his career, Jake has involved himself with the sales of pipe welding services and systems design.

The liquid hydrocarbon, bulk chemical storage, and product distribution have been his primary professional passions. He has thorough knowledge of what works at storage and distribution facilities. Jake is currently the owner of Eastern Automated Piping and Eastern Construction Services. He is a partner in the design of the EnviroEye – hydrocarbon detection system; and very proud to be a part of protecting the environment.