EnviroEye solves your operating dilemma…
Removal of rainwater accumulation from open top floating roofs on above ground storage tanks presents an operating concern that, until now, has had no viable solution.
Does your operation dictate the roof drain valve be left…
Open? In cases of slight or torrential rains, all rainwater immediately drains from the roof through and out of your tank. However, if the internal roof drain line fails, the stored product drains through the failed line onto the ground, causing hazardous material discharge into the tank dike.
Closed? In light or heavy rain conditions, it is essential that an operator immediately respond by manually opening the roof drain line. If excessive rainwater is allowed to accumulate on the roof, loss of buoyancy may occur, resulting in sinking of the roof, damage to the tank wall and release of stored product into the environment.
Both scenarios expose you to potential contamination, permit violations, media attention, tank failures and extended downtime.